Values were then normalized with C-overhangs in untreated cells (Ctrl) to obtain relative abundance

Values were then normalized with C-overhangs in untreated cells (Ctrl) to obtain relative abundance. GUID:?B24A7B7E-E9E4-4A88-95BF-774E8A8DFE15 S2 Fig: Replication fork stalling caused by HU or aphidicolin doesnt lead to enrichment of RPA2 or DNA damage foci at telomeres. (A) HU or aphidicolin treatment (24 h) doesnt cause increase of RPA2 foci at telomere in U2OS. More than 100 cells were quantified for each experiment. Error bars represent the mean SEM of three independent experiments. Two-tailed unpaired students t-test was used to calculate P-values. ns: not significant.(B) HU or aphidicolin treatment (24 h) doesnt induce TIFs (telomere dysfunction induced foci) in U2OS. 53BP1 was used as an indicator of DNA damage response (DDR). U2OS cells treated with zeocin for 24h were used as a positive control. Telomeric 53BP1 foci were analyzed by IF-FISH. More than 100 cells were analyzed for each experiment. Error bars represent the mean SEM of three independent experiments. Two-tailed unpaired students t-test was used to calculate P-values. ns: not significant. **P 0.01. (PDF) pgen.1007925.s002.pdf (183K) GUID:?74BE5FAD-44A1-4CAE-A833-F30AA2A7C06F S3 Fig: DNA damage induced replication fork collapse during S phase provokes formation of C-circles and 5′ C-overhangs. (A) G-overhangs were not altered in U2OS cells treated with HU or aphidicolin (Aphi). Cells were treated for 24hrs, genomic DNA were purified and subjected to 2D gel analysis. G-overhangs are indicated by blue arrows. NSC-41589 Values were then normalized with G-overhangs in untreated cells (Ctrl) to obtain relative abundance. Experiments were duplicated and the mean of relative abundance of G-overhangs was indicated.(B) Zeocin or CPT treatment (24 h) leads to decrease of G-overhangs in U2OS (related to Fig 2D and 2F). Values were then normalized with G-overhangs in untreated cells (Ctrl) to obtain relative abundance. Experiments were duplicated and the mean of relative abundance of G-overhangs was indicated. (C) Schematic for zeocin treatment of U2OS cells during G1 or mid-S phase. U2OS cells were synchronized at G1/S with double Mouse monoclonal to EphB6 thymidine. Cells were treated with zeocin/DMSO during G1 phase (end of second thymidine block) or during S phase (after 4hrs release from G1/S) for 2hrs. (D) FACS analysis of U2OS cells treated with DMSO or zeocin during G1 or mid-S phase. (E) and (F) Zeocin treatment during mid-S phase produces more C-circle and 5′ C-overhangs than treatment during G1 phase. Error bars represent the mean SEM of three independent experiments. (G) Zeocin or CPT treatment leads to increase of C-circle in VA13 cells. Error bars represent the mean SEM of three independent experiments. Two-tailed unpaired students t-test was used to calculate P-values. ***P 0.001. (H) Zeocin and CPT treatment leads to increase of 5′ C-overhangs in VA13 cells. C-overhangs are indicated by red arrows. Values were then normalized with C-overhangs in untreated cells (Ctrl) to obtain relative abundance. Experiments were duplicated and the mean of relative abundance of C-overhangs was indicated. (PDF) pgen.1007925.s003.pdf (282K) GUID:?B6AE2650-2DEC-4411-BCC1-A5329A523685 S4 Fig: Replication fork collapse but not fork stalling induces the formation of C-circles and 5′ C-overhangs. (A) VP-16 (Topo II poisoner) but not ICRF-187 (Topo II inhibitor) leads NSC-41589 to increase of C-overhangs in U2OS cells. Genomic DNA from VP-16 or ICRF-187 treated U2OS cells were digested with restriction enzyme and subjected to 2D gel analysis. G-rich telomeric probe was used to detect C-overhangs. C-overhangs are indicated by red arrows.(B) VP-16 or ICRF-187 treatment leads to decrease of G-overhangs in U2OS cells. Same as in (A) except that C-rich telomeric probe was used to detect G-overhangs. G-overhangs are indicated by blue arrows. (C) VP-16 but not ICRF-187 leads to increase of C-circles in U2OS cells. Error bars represent the mean SEM of three independent experiments. Two-tailed unpaired students t-test was used NSC-41589 to calculate P-values. ***P 0.001. (D)VP-16 but not ICRF-187 treatment (24h) leads to increase of C-overhangs in VA13 cells. Genomic DNA from VP-16 or ICRF-187 treated VA13 cells were digested with restriction enzyme, subjected to 2D gel analysis. G-rich telomeric probe was used to detect C-overhangs. C-overhangs are indicated by red arrows. Values were then normalized with C-overhangs in untreated cells (Ctrl) to obtain relative abundance. Experiments were duplicated and the mean of relative abundance of C-overhangs was.