Group differences assessed by univariate ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA with post hoc assessments corrected for multiple comparisons Alzheimers disease, healthy controls, Lewy body dementia, nucleus basalis of Meynert aKruskal-Wallis ANOVA bUnivariate ANOVA Alpha reactivity was reduced in both dementia groups compared to controls and was significantly more reduced in LBD compared to AD (Table?2 and Fig

Group differences assessed by univariate ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA with post hoc assessments corrected for multiple comparisons Alzheimers disease, healthy controls, Lewy body dementia, nucleus basalis of Meynert aKruskal-Wallis ANOVA bUnivariate ANOVA Alpha reactivity was reduced in both dementia groups compared to controls and was significantly more reduced in LBD compared to AD (Table?2 and Fig.?3a). using a probabilistic anatomical map. Results Alpha reactivity was reduced in AD and LBD patients compared to controls with a significantly greater reduction in LBD compared to AD. Reduced alpha reactivity was associated with Funapide smaller volumes of the NBM across all groups (values for multiple comparisons. To assess the influence of dopaminergic medication, the EEG steps were compared between those LBD patients taking dopaminergic medication (assessments. Additionally, we assessed Spearmans correlations between levodopa comparative daily dose (LEDD) [32] and the EEG steps in those LBD patients who were on dopaminergic medication. Results Demographics All three groups were comparable in age (see Table?1). Although Mouse monoclonal to WNT10B not statistically significant, there was a tendency for group differences in terms of gender, i.e. LBD patients were predominantly male whereas gender was more balanced in the AD group. To make sure that results were not influenced by these gender differences between groups, all group comparisons were repeated including gender as a covariate. The AD and LBD groups did not differ significantly with respect to overall cognition (MMSE) and dementia duration. As expected, the LBD patients were more impaired than AD in terms of the core LBD symptoms of Parkinsonism, cognitive fluctuations, and visual hallucinations. The percentage of patients taking cholinesterase inhibitors was comparable in both dementia groups whereas the majority of LBD patients were taking dopaminergic medication compared to none of the AD patients. Table 1 Demographic and clinical variables, imply (standard deviation) quantity of patients taking acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, Alzheimers disease, Clinician Assessment of Fluctuation total score, duration of cognitive symptoms in years, healthy controls, Lewy body dementia, Mayo Fluctuation Level, Mayo Fluctuation cognitive subscale, Mini-Mental State Examination, quantity of patients taking dopaminergic medication for the management of Parkinsons disease symptoms, Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Level III (motor subsection), Neuropsychiatric Inventory, NPI hallucination subscore aChi-square test HC, AD, LBD bOne-way ANOVA HC, AD, LBD cChi-square test AD, LBD dMann-Whitney test AD, LBD eStudents test AD, LBD f(HC, AD)?=?0.004(HC, LBD)? ?0.001(AD, LBD)?=?0.092Alpha reactivity0.56 [0.50, 0.63]0.24 [0.12, 0.34]0.08 [0.03, 0.14](HC, AD)? ?0.001(HC, Funapide LBD)? ?0.001(AD, LBD)?=?0.014Eyes-closed alpha power49.1 [41.9, 56.3]34.4 [27.5, 41.3]39.7 [35.8, 43.5](HC, AD)?=?0.018(HC, LBD)?=?0.25(AD, LBD)?=?0.56Eyes-open alpha power18.9 [16.1, 21.7]24.2 [19.4, 29.0]36.7 [32.4, 41.1](HC, AD)?=?0.25(HC, LBD)? ?0.001(AD, LBD)?=?0.005NBM volume0.19 [0.18, 0.20]0.17 [0.16, 0.17]0.16 [0.15, 0.17](HC, AD)?=?0.003(HC, LBD)? ?0.001(AD, LBD)?=?1.0 Open in a separate window Mean [95% confidence interval]. Alpha power and alpha reactivity estimated from electrodes O1, Oz, and O2 using individual alpha peak frequencies. NBM volume normalised to total intracranial volume. Group differences assessed by univariate ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA with post hoc assessments corrected for multiple comparisons Alzheimers disease, healthy controls, Lewy body dementia, nucleus basalis of Meynert aKruskal-Wallis ANOVA bUnivariate ANOVA Alpha reactivity was reduced in both dementia groups compared to controls and was significantly more reduced in LBD compared to AD (Table?2 and Fig.?3a). Eyes-closed alpha power was reduced in AD compared to controls, but there were no significant differences between LBD and controls or between AD and LBD. In contrast, eyes-open alpha power (taking into account individual alpha peak frequencies) was significantly increased in LBD compared to both controls and AD while Funapide there was no significant difference between AD and controls (Fig.?2b). Open in a separate windows Fig. 3 Group comparison..