Objective To assess the prevalence of and risk factors for postprandial

Objective To assess the prevalence of and risk factors for postprandial hypotension (PPH) among previous and very previous Chinese language men. risk elements for PPH (OR = 2.188 95 CI: 1.134?4.223 = 0.02; OR = 1.86 95 CI: 1.112?3.11 = 0.018 respectively). On the other hand acarbose make use of was defensive against PPH (OR = 0.4 95 CI: 0.189?0.847 = 0.017). The reduction in blood circulation pressure during PPH was 20?40 mmHg and the utmost was 90 mmHg. PPH happened in 30 generally?60 min after meals and lasted 30?120 min. Conclusions These results demonstrate which the prevalence of PPH in guys aged over 80 years is normally significantly greater than those in guys aged CP-868596 65 to 80 years as well as the blood pressure drop can be higher for guys aged over CP-868596 80 years. Furthermore hypertension and age CP-868596 group were primary risk elements for PPH in the old guys which claim that stopping and dealing with PPH is rewarding. value significantly less than 0.05 was thought as the importance level. Continuous measurement data were summarized as means ± SD unless normally indicated and compared using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Dichotomous variables were indicated as frequencies and compared using Chi-square checks. Correlation analysis was carried out with logistic regression. 3 3.1 Individuals’ baseline characteristics Overall the study included 349 Chinese men having a mean age of 81.39 ± 7.94 years. Baseline ideals for age and BMI were significantly higher in group 2 than in group 1 (< 0.01). Baseline SBP and DBP ideals in the two groups were similar (> 0.05). Patient characteristics are demonstrated in Table 1. Table 1. Baseline characteristics for the two organizations. 3.2 Prevalence of PPH In group 2 the prevalence of PPH after breakfast and lunch time was significantly higher than after supper while there was no difference in PPH prevalence between breakfast and lunch time. Group 1 subjects did not display any between-meal variations in PPH prevalence. PPH prevalence data are demonstrated in Table 2. CP-868596 Table 2. The prevalence of PPH in the two organizations after three meals. Overall 207 of 349 subjects (59.3%) demonstrated PPH. The prevalence of PPH in group 2 was significantly higher than that in group 1. PPH more commonly occurred in subjects with hypertension compared with those without hypertension. Furthermore subjects in group 2 with and without hypertension experienced higher prevalence of PPH than the respective SMOC1 hypertension groups in group 1 (Table 3). Table 3. Prevalence of PPH in the total group and subgroup. Of the 207 subjects with PPH 4.8% (= 10) showed clinical symptoms all concurrently with postprandial declines in SBP of 20 mmHg or more. Four (1.9%) five (2.4%) and one (0.5%) instances had postprandial angina postprandial dizziness and fatigue and lethargy respectively. 3.3 PPH characteristics Among all 207 subject matter with PPH the SBP declined 15?30 min after a meal; the SBP decrease of at least 20 mmHg occurred at 30?60 min. Maximal SBP decrease occurred at 30?80 min after a meal. The postprandial SBP decrease was 20?29 mmHg 30 mmHg and over 40 mmHg in 136 cases (65.7%) 49 instances (23.7%) and 22 instances (10.6%) respectively. Among 195 individuals (94.2%) with PPH the SBP decrease lasted 30?120 min and returned to the preprandial SBP level within the duration. In 5 instances (2.4%) SBP returned to normal within 15 min. In 7 instances (3.4%) SBP did not normalize CP-868596 until the next meal. 3.4 Assessment of PPH characteristics in the two groups There was no difference of the PPH prevalence in subjects in either group taking with different antihypertensive medicines. However subjects in both group 1 and 2 who required diuretics had significantly higher PPH prevalence of PPH (The details regarding anti-hypertension medications were all putting in Table 4). The maximum decrease of postprandial SBP in group 2 was significantly higher than in group 1 (90 mmHg = 0.02; OR = 1.86 95 CI: 1.112?3.11 = 0.018 respectively). Acarbose use was protecting against PPH (OR = 0.4 95 CI: 0.189?0.847 = 0.017) (Table 6). Table 6. Association of risk factors and PPH. 4 Pronounced decreases in SBP and syncope or falls are common symptoms in elderly people with PPH.[5] [8] PPH is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular events stroke and death and an independent predictor of all-cause deaths in elderly people.[9] In the present study we evaluated the characteristics of PPH in 349 Chinese men. These characteristics include the prevalence of and risk factors for PPH the onset duration and magnitude of postprandial CP-868596 blood pressure changes and.